
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Adolescence Great White Shark Jumps Into Boat of Fisherman

Adolescence Great White Shark Jumps Into Boat of Fisherman

This story is one of the more frightening fishing stories I have heard in a while. A fisherman by the name of Terry Selwood was busy fishing on the coast of New South Wales, Australia the other day. When seeming out of nowhere a adolescent great white shark leaped into the boat with him. The young yet sizable shark was reported to be roughly 9 feet long and some 440 lbs, the boat this shark jumped into was not all that much longer than the shark itself!

Any shark getting airborne out of the water is rare, and one just happening to land in a nearby boat is even more rare. Than add the fact that this said leaping shark was a great white, you now have similar odds of winning the lottery. Only sharks I have ever heard of landing in fishing boats was mako and Thresher sharks which are much smaller and more explosive. Who knows if his side of the story is true, but Terry insists that he was not fishing when this even occurred which even furthers the mystery of what prompted this sharks action. Anyhow Terry managed to survive the encounter with only a small cut so all is well with him. 

Sometimes reality is far more strange and interesting than fiction, who would of known a shark can still take a bite out of you even while you in the perceived safety of your very own boat above the water. 

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